Tuesday, September 3, 2024

AF2 Gallery: New Asemic Art by Kristijonas Lapinskas (Lithuania - France)

"Personalization" by Kristijonas Lapinskas 
(Lyon, France) (2024)

"Gracial" by Kristijonas Lapinskas (2024) 

"Untitled" by Kristijonas Lapinskas (2024) 
(see text below)

"There is a legend about a boy who sought knowledge and wisdom. Driven by curiosity, he decided to play games with the devil. It was his choice and his decision. However, the story did not go as planned. The entity began to make its own demands and started granting the boy’s wishes, but those wishes were not what he expected. He got what he wanted, but for each wish, he lost a piece of his soul.

"He began to gamble with his life, using his soul as currency. Though he seemed calm and confident about the situation, he was slowly going insane. Despite this, he knew there was a way out of hell. He knew he needed to keep going. Along the way, he used almost all of his soul on pointless wishes, some not. Only seeking knowledge and wisdom might have saved him. His only foolish wish was for women, lots and lots of women.

"So, the boy decided to buy his way out of the mortgage he took from the devil. The legend says that the boy bought himself out of the unholy bond and regained his soul. He found a way, but no one knows how." 

- Kristijonas Lapinskas

"Posture" by Kristijonas Lapinskas (2024) 

"Pistachio" by Kristijonas Lapinskas (2024) 

Kristijonas Lapinskas 

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