Saturday, June 20, 2020

Visual poetry collaborations by Kristine Snodgrass & andrew topel

Collab by Kristine Snodgrass (Florida, USA)
 & andrew topel (Illinois, USA)

Could the Lettrist-oriented, concrete visual poetry of andrew topel ever combine with the organic, abstract style of Kristine Snodgrass to create coherent & consequential compositions? I believe this is a fair question for anyone interested in the chemistry of collaboration. 

The answer, fortunately for this humble blog, resides here on Asemic Front 2. Kristine Snodgrass & andrew topel are so well known in the vispo & asemic communities that I will dispense space reviewing biographies. Both are also known for their successful collaborations.

They have pooled their talents in these pieces to explore that region where recognizable letters dematerialize into asemics. Kristine Snodgrass adds expressiveness, tone & texture that illuminate & transforms andrew topel's trademark alphabetic solidity. They also create larger structures to contain the transmuted symbols.For me, the result is magical and revealing. 

- De Villo Sloan

By Kristine Snodgrass (Florida, USA)
 & andrew topel (Illinois, USA) (glitched)

By Kristine Snodgrass (Florida, USA)
 & andrew topel (Illinois, USA) 

By Kristine Snodgrass (Florida, USA)
 & andrew topel (Illinois, USA) 

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